
Arakawa RiverArakawa River17Tokyo-Gaikan ExpresswayTokyo-Gaikan ExpresswaySaitSaitToda-Nishi ICToda-Nishi ICMisasa Junior HMisasa Junior HMiyamoto Primary SchoolMiyamoto Primary SchoolSeibuSeibuHelp out your fellow evacuees at the shelterLife in an emergency shelter can be incredibly conning.It's not uncommon for people to start feeling unwell aer several days. Make the best of your situaon by following all the rules, being courteous and kind to others, and working together to overcome the crisis.If you can't stay home and must go to a shelterShelters are collecvely run by the evacuees.Divide up the responsibilies and help each other out.The emergency supplies at shelters are not for the exclusive use of evacuees.They must also be shared with people who are staying in their homes or living in their cars.Shelter operaonsSanitaonMake it a point to keep the shelter clean and well-venlat-ed.Note that garbage collecon services are frequently compromised in a disaster.Keep sorng trash properly and do everything you can to minimize waste.HealthAlways wash your hands and gargle when entering the shelter from outside and before eang. Use alcohol sanizers frequently.Keep an eye on your petsGet your pets used to being in a cage so that they do not cause problems for other people or animals in the shelter.Also make sure their vaccinaons are kept up to date.Evacuang with petsMake sure your pets are wearing collars and idencaon tags, and bring plenty of food and cleanup supplies with you.Remember that pet owners are responsible for feeding their pets and properly disposing of pet waste.Making life easier at the shelterBe considerate and accepngUnfortunately, it's not uncommon for people to lose their lives in an emergency shelter.If you feel unwell, tell a physician or other healthcare provider.If you see someone who appears to be suering, reach out to them.There will be all kinds of people at the shelter, including the elderly, persons with disabilies, pregnant women, babies, people with allergies or other medical condions, and non-Japanese. Everyone has their own needs, so please be mindful of them.[ Inquiry ] Disability Welfare DivisionTEL048-441-1800Support for people who need special consideraonToda City has also created the Guidebook for People with Special Needs and a communicaon board so that people can help each other in the case of disasters. It is important to determine special needs when making preparaons and helping the elderly and people with disabilies, and this should be used when providing help.What should we do?40

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