
!!If the Arakawa River overows, we can expect the city to be ooded for anywhere from three days to a week or more.It is unsafe to stay in place, since wooden homes may topple in areas with fast-moving water.No.3What to doWhat to doNo.2What to doWhat to doResidents who live in wooden houses in fast-owing ood areas need to get out quickly, as it is unsafe to remain at home.If you decide stay in your home, get to the safest place possible.Do not try to evacuate once the area is oodedWalking through oodwaters is dangerous.If you do not evacuate in me, protect yourself by assessing the situaon and making the safest choice possible. If you don’t get out of the city in me, get to the nearest tall buildingIf you decide to stay in your homeMove to the highest safe place in the buildingBe prepared to stay at homeEven in a tall building, it is dangerous to remain at the height of the oodwaters. Get to the highest oor in your apartment or condo or whereveryou are safest from the ood.People who live in wooden houses in fast-owing ood areas need to evacuate.Know the level of damage to expect from rainfall20 to 50 mm• Cannot stay dry even with an umbrella• Cannot see through the windshield even with the wipers going• Umbrellas become useless• Impossible to drive safely50 mm or morePer-hour rainfallEect on people and vehiclesMain type of damageDANGERRainwater overows from sewer pipes and guers Rainwater may ow into underground rooms or shopping areasAt least three days’ worth!Floodwaters can cut o water, electricity, gas, and other essenal supplies for three days or up to a week or more. Toilets will not ush either. Fully prepare yourself to be cut o from the outside world for several days, making sure you have adequate food, drinking water, and other supplies.See pg. 56 for a list of emergency stockpiles. Get high above the oodwatersGet high above the oodwatersWhat should we do?Study secon FloodsToda City HAZARD BOOK25

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